Anti-Fragility Training

Unlock Your Agency's hidden StrengtH

While resilience is about bouncing back, anti-fragility is about moving ahead. Equip your teams with the mindset and tools to not only withstand challenges but to prepare and grow from them, transforming potential setbacks into opportunities for unparalleled personal and professional growth.

“I look at my resiliency skills like a muscle that gets stronger. The more you use it, the stronger it gets, and I credit Tactical Longevity for that growth.”

Police Officer Jordan Sanders

Kansas City, Missouri Police Department

This material is all encompassing from executive leadership down to the newest recruit. It doesn't matter whether you're training a recruit or you're breaking in a new commander at any rank, this program can help the supervisor/FTO teach the subordinate how to deal with the stressors of the job.

Major Ryan Miller

Overland Park Police Department

Thank you for coming to teach the topic. I feel I was able to get a lot out of it and hope to implement some of it with my time and in my personal life. I do think the entire department could benefit from the training.

Field Trainer

Midwest Agency

The content was presented in a way that made sure all attendees retained the knowledge. Every person walked out of that training with new tools and ideas that will help support both themselves and the success of incoming officers.


Midwest Agency

Higher Officer Retention

Tactical Longevity's Anti-Fragility program enhances retention by providing officers with skills to transform workplace challenges into pathways for personal and professional advancement.

Higher Officer Retention

Tactical Longevity's Anti-Fragility program enhances retention by providing officers with skills to transform workplace challenges into pathways for personal and professional advancement.

BEtter Officer Engagement

The program enhances officer engagement through dynamic training that fosters a sense of purpose, belonging, and investment in their roles and the mission of the agency.

Better Officer Engagement

The program enhances officer engagement through dynamic training that fosters a sense of purpose, belonging, and investment in their roles and the mission of the agency.

Motivating Recruitment

Bolster your recruitment efforts by showcasing a commitment to officer development and well-being, attracting candidates eager to join a forward-thinking and supportive law enforcement agency.

Motivating Recruitment

Bolster your recruitment efforts by showcasing a commitment to officer development and well-being, attracting candidates eager to join a forward-thinking and supportive law enforcement agency.

Improved Agency Morale

Tactical Longevity’s approach improves morale by creating a supportive culture from the ground up, one that values growth through hardship, recognizes achievements in spite of constant adversity, and empowers officers to take pride in their ability to thrive in challenging times.

Improved Agency Morale

Tactical Longevity’s approach improves morale by creating a supportive culture from the ground up, one that values growth through hardship, recognizes achievements in spite of constant adversity, and empowers officers to take pride in their ability to thrive in challenging times.

Motivation for Better Performance

By targeting the roots of underperformance, which often are based in how we think about what we experience, the Anti-Fragility mindset helps officers overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.

Motivation For Better Performance

By targeting the roots of underperformance, which often are based in how we think about what we experience, the Anti-Fragility mindset helps officers overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.

Improved Community Reationships

The program strengthens community relationships by equipping officers with the tools they need to be able to maintain empathy in the face of stress, improve communication skills and hence the ability to connect quickly with citizens, and listen to community needs so they can respond thoughtfully.

Improved Community Relationships

The program strengthens community relationships by equipping officers with the tools they need to be able to maintain empathy in the face of stress, improve communication skills and hence the ability to connect quickly with citizens, and listen to community needs so they can respond thoughtfully.

Is your agency Armed to endure?

44% of officers agreed that the current climate related to public safety lessened their commitment to serve.

How It Works


Schedule a Call

We will schedule a brief call to confirm our understanding of your agency's specific needs and challenges, allowing us to gather essential information.


Receive your program plan

We will provide a program blueprint tailored to the requirements of your agency and operational goals.


Implement the plan

Start with interactive, face-to-face training sessions enriched with practical exercises, followed by consistent check-ins and reinforcement, to ensure lasting impact and continuous improvement.

Take Action Before the "Bang;" Prevent Fallout with Proactive Measures

Of officers with 5-10 years of service reported recent work events negatively impacted their productivity at least once per week.
The average police officer will experience 188 critical incidents over the course of their careers.
of those officers screened positive for PTSD.


Frequently Asked Questions about Tactical Longevity

Do you offer online courses?

We are building our resource database and plan to have Tactical Longevity available online, very soon. Sign up here to receive an email when sign-ups become available.

Do you have any financial assistance recommendations?

We have researched several options to advise our departments for financial assistance. From search and seizure funding to applying for grants, download this PDF for ideas.

I am not a decision maker for my department, do you have anything for me to send to that person within my agency?

Absolutely, we hope with your assistance, to implement Tactical Longevity at your agency. Download this PDF to share.

Can I request Tactical Longevity at a speaking engagement, podcast or webinar?

We love the opportunity to speak at different events. Please contact us at to submit your request.

creating a conversation around anti-fragility impact